Sisters often have a love-hate relationship, but love tends to win out in the end. They may fight and drive each other crazy, but when it comes down to it they have each other's back. After all, they've been around for all the milestones, the first jobs and first dates, the graduation ceremonies and family reunions. Finding a suitable gift for your sister may be more difficult than one for your friends (or even your parents)! Perfume, lotion or a favorite treat are certainly safe choices. Personalized pillows, t-shirts, photo frames and totes have all become popular in recent years. However, jewelry is the best gift option for women, without a doubt. It's fashionable, appropriate for all kinds of occasions, customizable to fit the recipient's personality and a way for your sister to think of you fondly any time she wears it. Mountz Jewelers has a large selection of the perfect jewelry for sisters, and we would love to help you brainstorm your gift.
Before You Start Shopping
There are a few considerations you should keep in mind before you rush to the jewelry counter or fill up your online cart. First, why are you looking to buy your sister a new piece of jewelry? Is she celebrating a special occasion, such as her birthday, Christmas, or a promotion at work? The type of event should influence what jewelry you ultimately settle on. For example, getting an A on a paper may not warrant a flashy ring. Don't worry if there isn't any particular occasion coming up, however. It's completely fine to want to spoil your sister just because you can. You should begin your browsing with some ideas in mind based on your sister's taste. Does she rarely wear bracelets, but she can't get enough of necklaces? Does she have her ears pierced? If not, earrings won’t be a wise choice. Don't get her something she's unable to use, or something that will likely collect dust on her dresser because it's not jewelry she typically puts on when she's getting ready. Lastly, though your love for your sister may transcend any monetary value, you should probably nail down a budget. Save up for the purchase for a little while, and then decide on your minimum and maximum dollar amounts. If you go in with a set budget, you'll know what stores to hit up and what items fall into your price range. This will make your search a whole lot easier and provide direction early on.
Best Friend Necklaces
I know what you might be thinking: best friend necklaces are childish and cheap in quality. Though this may be your impression left over from junior high years, a lot has changed since then. Not all best friend necklaces are created equal. There are plenty of options out there that aren't juvenile or poorly made. Depending on your age and the closeness of your relationship, these could be a great fit. There's such a wide variety available nowadays that you don’t have to be stuck with cliché half-hearts if you don't want them. And you shouldn't conclude that best friend necklaces are the only way you can get matching sister jewelry. It's simple to pick identical necklaces or ring styles and then select coordinating or complementary gemstones for them.
Charm Bracelets
This is another concept that might seem a little too young for you. However, as with best friend necklaces, charm bracelets have experienced a renaissance. Top jewelry designers are putting out bracelets with unique, well-made charms that can be slipped onto them. It may be worth your time to give them a second look.

Charm bracelets are actually a smart gift for a number of reasons. Unlike other pieces of jewelry, they're a way to start a collection. For future occasions, you won't be stumped on what to buy your sister, because you can just pick up more charms to add to her bracelet. This type of accessory is high quality and made with superior craftsmanship, but it's also a way to showcase your individuality. You could purchase a simple bracelet or go with something more elaborate, based on your budget and the occasion. There are nearly endless ideas for the charms that would be special to your sister. For instance, you could commemorate a trip you went on together with this
adorable Mexico charm. Any charms for her bracelet should display her interests or the things that matter most to her. This could be her sweet tooth,
her love of dolphins or her passion for painting. It's a way for you to show how well you know her, and a way for her to subtly share her personality with whomever she meets. In a similar vein, the
Alex and Ani sister bracelet is a larger bangle with charms that symbolize the closeness of sisterhood. With a beautiful image of a honeysuckle, it depicts strength and sweetness, two things that characterize the incomparable bond between sisters. Alex and Ani is all about designing distinctive, eco-conscious pieces, and their sister bracelet proves it.
Memory Jewelry
Instead of just a single charm, why not splurge on an entire piece of jewelry to remind you of a trip you took together? It could've been a sisters-only excursion or a girls' weekend that included some of your closest friends, but if your sister is still raving weeks afterward about how much fun she had, that's when you know that jewelry would be the right gift. From tropical getaways to mountain hikes, featuring a stone or material that's commonly associated with that location in the jewelry you buy is a clever idea. For example, remember your vacation to New Mexico fondly with turquoise incorporated in earrings or a bracelet or get her a funky agate necklace that hearkens back to a Tennessee road trip. Bonus points if you find the perfect piece while in the midst of traveling!
Promise Rings
As we mentioned in a previous post,
promise rings are known for being exchanged in romantic relationships, but that doesn't mean they have to be. Contemporary women pay tribute to their friendships in many ways, from the photos they take together to raiding each other's closets for clothes to wear. They share everything else, so why not trade rings?

Promise rings are a fine option for a gift. There are dozens of choices out there that aren't too girly, but also don't resemble engagement rings. You can go with something delicate, something feminine or something more fashion forward. Don't shy away from heart shapes if that's what you like. Just because it's cute doesn't mean you'll look immature.
Engraved Pendants or Bracelets
Engraving jewelry is much better than just sending a greeting card. While you have less space to write what you feel, the words or phrases that you do choose will be much more meaningful. Engraved rings are so expensive and intimate that they should probably be reserved for your partner, but a pendant or bracelet would be ideal for your sister. The jewelry can be monogrammed with her name, your names together, the names of your family members or a short message that sums up your relationship. Share a sweet thought or a cheeky joke, if she's got a good sense of humor. There are many different styles of pendants for necklaces,
such as this ID tag. Sentiment bracelets can be thin and dainty or chunky and meant as more of a fashion statement. Tap into her likes and dislikes to see what she would prefer.
Mother, Daughter and Sister Jewelry
Similar to best friend necklaces, many designers out there have created pieces of jewelry for mothers and daughters to give each other. Some of them fit together like a puzzle, while others have similar imagery with some slight changes to differentiate the wearers. You could have a big owl and a little owl, or a heart with a smaller heart cutout. What really takes the cake is if you're able to find a mother necklace, bracelet or ring with two daughters instead of just one. Then you can all portray your family connection and bond of womanhood. If you have several sisters — well, the more the merrier! Just try not to overshadow your chosen sister's special occasion when distributing the other gifts.
Birthstone Jewelry
For something that's subtly customized and able to be worn with just about any outfit, birthstone jewelry is a no-brainer. Incorporating your sister's birthstone into a necklace, ring, bracelet or pair of earrings will give the piece a personal touch that won't go unnoticed.

When determining what to buy, you have to figure out if she'd want her birthstone by itself or if you should include yours as a visual reminder of sisterhood. If your entire immediate family is fairly tight-knit, you could consider throwing in everyone's birthstone as part of the design! If you're stuck on what to get, maybe this
emerald bracelet, this
amethyst necklace or these
aquamarine earrings would do the trick. There are all kinds of creative ways that birthstones are integrated into jewelry nowadays. As always, it partly depends on her individual style.
Jewelry From The Heart
Whether your goal for jewelry with sisters is to find a matching piece for yourself or to simply give a fantastic gift, the key is to approach your search thoughtfully and lovingly. For instance, most jewelers will tell you that 18-inch chains are the most popular for necklaces, because they're the right length to set just below the throat. However, if you know your sister likes to wear long necklaces when she dresses up, or you've seen her rock a choker before, go with your gut! The salesperson knows other shoppers, but you know your own sister. It's been repeated over and over in this article, but ultimately personalization is your best bet. Using our necklace example, you could find one with a bird charm to represent a sister who's a free spirit and a joy to be around, or you could look for a mermaid charm if you know she's always secretly wanted to be Ariel. When you shop for a bracelet, seek out one in a color she adores, like a
mint green leather bracelet.

We've emphasized customization at every turn, but if you're truly unsure what to settle on, don't worry if the piece you pick is a little on the generic side. What woman would scoff at a pretty right hand ring, or
gorgeous earrings that are suitable for any occasion? When the present comes from a place of caring and generosity, she'll be able to tell and that alone will make it meaningful. No matter if you're leaning toward sister bracelets or a pendant necklace, Mountz Jewelers has just what you're looking for. We may specialize in engagement and wedding rings, but all of our jewelry is top quality, beautifully designed and stands out from the crowd. Your sister's birthday will be better than ever with our help. Trust your special moments to Mountz!