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COVID-19 Proposal Ideas

COVID-19 Proposal Ideas

As we continue to navigate through COVID-19, here at Mountz Jewelers we have seen various new ways that people have created memories. Whether through creating Tik Tok videos to record all your new dance moves or finding new ways to exercise from home, people have overcome many obstacles as they await good news. Many weddings have been postponed and graduations have been canceled during this time, but when you have been telling yourself that this is your year, why not take the chance?


Sure, it may not be as you planned; you might not have the trip to Europe or enjoy that beautiful dinner for two, but the important thing is that you still have each other. If you are fortunate enough to be social distancing with your family as you share a home, then why not get creative? Make amazing memories and a story that others may shed a tear or a laugh for. Pop the big question in the place where you make the most memories in, your home. Here are some ideas how:


For the Traditional Romantic

You had the dinner planned, you scheduled the photographer and bought the perfect ring from Mountz Jewelers, but now you need to rethink your plan. Shop online and find the perfect dish set, tablecloth and candles, everything new to make it feel like you aren’t at your normal dining room table. From there, it gets fairly simple as restaurants are still open for delivery. Order their favorite food as well as dessert, and the trick is to say that you felt like eating out for the night! 

Now is the complicated part, dressing up. Let them know that you want to have an excuse to dress up. Maybe they have that special outfit that they were hoping to wear to that said restaurant, and now is their chance! While they change, you can speed through setting the table and lighting those candles. Take the food out of the boxes and enjoy a romantic dinner plus a surprise with dessert.


For the Date Night Lovers

Restaurants and movies are all closed. You and your loved one are used to a night on the town, but now your nights are all in the living room. Time to bring date night in. Create a home movie theater in your living room using twinkle lights for ambiance and all your loved one’s favorite movie snacks! If you don’t have these at home you may have to step out a bit, but please practice safety with gloves and a mask. Do this the night before so that the night of you can think of an excuse to send them on an errand.

While they are gone, it’s time to build something special! Move your living room to have space for your mattress in front of your tv (an air mattress would be preferred). Grab the spare sheets and start building a fort. The key is to be completely covered where all you have is the mattress and the tv inside. Hang the twinkle lights over your heads with fresh clips and lay out all the snacks. Your loved one will be in for a big surprise right when they walk through the door!


For the Silly Couples

Maybe too much romance just makes everyone a little awkward. Here at Mountz Jewelers we have seen many couples that tell stories of a crazy day that led to a proposal and how it just fit them. If flowers and dinner aren’t something that you both enjoy, then stick to what you love. Schedule a game night with friends or family on any video platform you use and have fun!

Make it a game where you ask each other silly questions and end with the big one (let everyone in on the surprise beforehand). Set the computer or phone up so that everyone sees two chairs back to back where you two will sit. On one hand you will have one of your shoes and one of theirs, same goes for your significant other. Now the real fun starts, your friends and family will start asking questions like, “Who snores?” Or “Who tells the worst jokes?” You each answer by lifting the shoe of the person (you or them), until finally someone asks, “Who is proposing tonight?” Your significant other may be confused for a moment but we’re sure with encouragement they’ll turn around.

Your proposal is a special moment for you both. You should embrace every day with new possibilities especially as we look now more than ever towards the future. At Mountz Jewelers, we're here to help you make your Mountz Moment perfect, even at home. Receive fine jewelry at your fingertips with free shipping from Get 10% off if you order online using the code SPARKLE10 at checkout! Just like a diamond, the love you have for each other will stand the test of time... shining even brighter in every facet of this challenge.

Looking for more creative ways to propose at home? Check out Mountz previous blog on “Home Proposal Ideas” for inspiration!